
General Contact Information
Mailing address: egypttravelexpert in Egypt 

General company phone number: +2015508011554

General company phone number: +201550109308

Are you a traveler in need of help? Have a question about your review? Problems booking your hotel, flight or attraction/activity? Trouble with a restaurant reservation?
We want to help! Did you know that nearly every customer service questions can be answered by visiting our easy-to-use Help Center?

Still need support? Visit our general inquiries page and someone from egypttravelexpert customer support team will respond as soon as possible!
Data Erasure Requests
Respecting the data protection rights of our users is of utmost importance to tourguidetrip. In accordance with applicable law, you may have the right of access, the right of rectification, the right to objection/erasure, the right to restrict processing and the right to data portability. In order to exercise your rights, please file your request by clicking here.

Travel Professionals
Sales inquiries:

For sales questions around advertising or display sales, please contact us here.
For sales questions around a hotel or restaurant business you own, please contact us here.
Owners of a Hotel, Airline, Restaurant or Attraction Listing?
Get listed: Owners of hotels, airline, restaurants, attractions, and travel resources interested in a FREE listing on egypttravelexpert, please read general information or submit a listing under “Get listed on/egypttravelexpert”

Listing problems or questions: If you are having difficulty or having further questions regarding listings or reviews, click here for support.

Respond to a review: If you represent a hotel, airline, restaurant or attraction listed on egypttravelexpert and want to respond to individual reviews submitted regarding your establishment, please use our online management response form.

Press Contacts
For data erasure requests, click here. For members of the media or industry analysts seeking additional information about egypttravelexpert, or to schedule an interview with a member of our management team, please contact:

phone number:+201508011554

phone number:+201550109308
